Invisible Harm: Discovering The Truth About Your Daily Skincare Routine

Invisible Harm: Discovering The Truth About Your Daily Skincare Routine

This is the first in a series called, Invisible Harm: Discovering The Truth About Your Daily Skincare Routine, where we want to help you create awareness about what you put on your body and help you learn if the products you put on your body either harm or nourish your body.

Is your daily skincare routine poisoning your body?

We’ll continue to update this main post as we research the ingredients of common skincare products you can buy at Target, Walmart, Amazon, … and we’ll learn together what skincare products should be in your daily skincare routine.

We will cite links to all of our research, but you should do your own research and draw your own conclusions. 

YOU matter! This is the core principle of our company, our products and are efforts to help others find health, clean living and a new energy! While this is likely to be controversial, our aim is to help bring light to the fact we all have been poisoning ourselves for decades, and discover there are healthy alternatives that are effective, nourishing and truly vitamins for your skin! By nourishing skin you are providing clean energy for your body and mind! 

Like many things in life this is a journey. It’s a journey we’ve been on and continue to learn. There will be ups and downs. There might be anger as you learn how the big companies are taking your hard earned money in exchange for poison to harm your body. There will be much joy in discovering there are alternative products for your daily skincare routine that will help you thrive and heal your body. Welcome to the next step in your clean living journey. 

Have you ever tried to read the ingredients on the back of your favorite skincare products only to be met by huge, unpronounceable words that you can’t say much less understand what they actually do to your body? This is overwhelming, and these big companies are hoping that is your experience. Companies like Dove, Neutrogena, L'Oréal Paris, the list is lengthy and you don't want to think for yourself. They want you to read the label, get overwhelmed by the long word ingredients, and just blindly trust them because they are Dove after all. We all have had this experience and made these mistakes! When you start googling the terms you end up in a place where you feel like you need a doctorate degree in chemistry to remotely understand what is in this product.

The questions we need to dig deeper into are:

  1. What ingredients are in my daily skincare routine products?
  2. How does each ingredient individually affect my body?
  3. How do these ingredients affect my body when mixing them with other ingredients?
  4. How and why are these ingredients created in the first place?
  5. Do these overprocessed, man made chemicals harm or heal my body?

What if there was a better way? What if you could look at the label? What if you could easily understand what you are putting on your body? Could I get the same results from more natural, less processed ingredients? What if it was clear how each ingredient positively gives your body vitamins and energy? These are the questions we asked when we started our journey and we want to share those answers with you here.

So, is your daily skincare routine causing invisible harm to your body?

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